An accessory/puppet depicting the sandworm from beetle juice, to be worn with a beetle juice drag outfit.
White wool-like fabric, fabric paint, acrylic paint, cardboard.
1. I draped the white fabric around my hand to get the rough puppet shape, using hot glue to attach it. 
2. I made a rough cardboard base for the outer mouth so it could stand on its own. The base was attached and then fabric was added.
3. I mixed acrylic and fabric paint to get accurate colors, and used them to paint the puppet head.
4. Small fabric scraps were rolled up, glued, and cut to create pointed teeth that were then painted and glued on to the bigger mouth.
5. Small dabs of hot glue were made and left to dry, then they were peeled off and painted white. These smaller teeth were glued to the inner mouth, along with a small fabric tongue.
6. I placed painters tape along the remaining white fabric, and used it to make clean black stripes with fabric paint. Then the extra fabric was rolled around and glued to the head to act as a scarf like body. A gap behind the head was left so my hand could easily be inserted into the puppet.
I also used a rough sponge to create mold/moss like details on the jacket. I cut up pieces of green embroidery thread and yarn, glued them to the jacket for texture, and then painted over them as well.
Final Pictures
Puppet head base
Puppet head base
Puppet head with painted details
Puppet head with painted details
Final puppet head
Final puppet head
Decorated jacket for costume
Decorated jacket for costume
Puppet full body
Puppet full body
Final costume results
Final costume results
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